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Meet our team of talented experts

Since 2006, we have assembled a team of experts with strong business acumen who can model cutting-edge algorithms and develop AI and GenAI products scaled in complex environments. Our talents deliver AI solutions that best serve the needs of your business, with your industry specificities, in a sustainable way.

Sustained business excellence

We’re passionate people who make a difference by delivering purposeful and sustainable AI solutions. We consider climate constraints and adhere to Responsible AI standards in everything we do.

Jean-Baptiste Bouzige
CEO & Founder
Quentin Michard
General Manager & Founder
Paul Seguineau
General Manager US & Founder
Elise Combes-Deblock
Chief HR Officer
Laurent Félix
Partner & General Manager France
Sophie Desroseaux
Chief Marketing Officer
Olivier Kuziner
Partner & General Manager APAC
Camille Erard
Partner & Head of Retail Luxury / Fashion / Beauty
Matt Andrew
Partner & General Manager UK
Simon Bouloc
Partner & Chief Solutions Officer
Julien Gaviard
Partner & Head of Tech and Media
Thibault Labarre
Partner & Head of Marketing and Commercial Effectiveness
Soline Aubry
Partner & Head of Consumer Health and Pharma Industry
Renaud Pirel
Partner & Head of Mobility Industry
Emilie Rannou
Partner & Head of Financial services
Sona Abaryan
Partner - Retail Luxury / Fashion / Beauty US
Mathieu Choux
Partner & Chief Product Officer Radians
Susan Lahey
Partner - Marketing & Commercial Effectiveness US
Mirek Zlotkowski
Partner & Head of Operations Excellence US
Manuella Boujard
Partner & Chief Operations Officer
Felipe Navarro
Partner - Retailers & QSR US
Christina Cen
Partner & General Manager CH
Romain Fradin
Chief Technology Officer
Caroline Milliotte
Chief Sustainability Officer
Benjamin Ducloux
Chief Financial Officer
Maria Haraldson
Head of Customer Analytics
Nicolas Chesneau
Head of Innovation
Théo Alves da Costa
Head of AI for Sustainability

Join the team

At Ekimetrics, you’ll find the right balance between tech and business, aligned with your preferences and strengths. Your career path is the one that best suits you, at the right pace for you. Throughout your career with us, you’ll learn continuously thanks to the diversity of projects, clients, peers, and communities.

A global company

Ekimetrics is a global leader in data science and AI-powered solutions, with offices on three continents and 500+ data & AI experts. Since 2006, we have led 1,000+ MMM and AI projects in over 50 countries.

Mainland China
Room 153, 4th Floor, No. 608, Xikang Road, Jing'an District Shanghai, 200040
United States
120 Broadway, 29th Floor, New York, NY 10271
United Kingdom
Elm Yard, Elmt St WC1X 0BJ London
31/F, Hysan Place 500 Hennessy Rd Causeway Bay, Hong Kong SAR
36 rue La Fayette 75009 Paris